Nanotech Fast Acting Formula – ZUUZ

The Nanotech Difference

Imagine your body as a glass of water.

Now picture the difficulty of mixing a teaspoon of olive oil into that glass of water compared to the ease of mixing a teaspoon of sugar in water.

Our bodily chemistry is not much different.

Traditional extract based products that have not gone through the Nanotech process are much slower and more difficult for our bodies to digest.

What is Nanotech?

In short, the ZUUZ nanotech process involves breaking down cannabinoid extracts into much smaller droplets.

This allows better absorption by your body
, as well as eliminating contaminants and allowing a cleaner experience.

Vibrating at a Higher Frequency

Our Nanotech process requires the use of ultrasonic sound waves in order to rapidly vibrate the cannabinoid molecules.

This causes the dispersion of the cannabinoid extract, and generates turbulence that helps the extract break down into nanoparticles.

Why is Nanotech necessary?

  • Bioavailability is the portion of a compound that is able to be absorbed by your body.

    Due to the oil in water example given above, traditional edibles have a low bioavailability, making it difficult for your body to absorb the full dose.

    The nanotech process drastically increases the bioavailability, allowing your body to absorb the full dose of our edibles.

  • Because of the increase in bioavailability from the Nanotech process, your body is able to absorb the cannabinoids much quicker.

    This cuts the activation time in half when compared to traditional edibles.

    ZUUZ Nanotech edibles take effect in 15-30 minutes, where traditional edibles may take 45-90minutes or longer.

  • Because the Nanotech process breaks down cannabinoid extracts into much smaller pieces, there is virtually no variation in potency from gummy to gummy.

    Every gummy has the same dose, every time.

  • Since the Nanotech process allows cannabinoids to be absorbed quicker, they are less likely to be metabolized by the liver. This produces effects much more similar to smoking or vaping.

    Traditional edibles undergo metabolic transformation by your liver, turning THC into a different compound entirely.

    This compound is 11-hydroxy-THC, and is what causes the anxiety people think of with edibles.